Updates on Progress

Below are updates on the work that has been completed to date in conjunction with the vision and “big rocks,” as well as details about the activities we will be undertaking in the days ahead to help every child we serve learn, grow and achieve. 

  • Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS): Our schools have Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) teams to help each student attain our universal goals. MTSS includes dedicated staff members (e.g., language arts specialists, RtI leaders, PBIS coaches, etc.) and instructional resources (e.g., 95% Group, SLANT, Read 180, MobyMax, SPIRE, etc.) we can use to meet the unique academic, social and/or emotional needs of students.
  • Metrics for Success: This fall, the district identified and defined the metrics that will be used to measure the advancement of our vision. These metrics include student progress made through MTSS, results from the PARCC and MAP assessments, student attendance, and data from the Education for the Future and Illinois 5Essentials surveys. We will also be utilizing qualitative data collected from students, faculty, staff, parents/guardians and
    community members. 
  • Leadership Coaching: All 10 of the district’s building principals are receiving coaching from the National Equity Project, which is an organization whose mission is to “to dramatically improve educational experiences, outcomes, and life options for students and families who have been historically underserved by their schools and districts.” All of the coaching activities will be tailored to meet the needs and complement the work of each individual
  • Student Voice: The district is exploring ways to actively engage students in the advancement of our goals, while also giving them a more prominent role/voice in their learning on a day-to-day basis. We are looking at a variety of platforms (e.g., survey data, Student Council, membership on school and district-level committees, etc.) through which students will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas and knowledge, and further develop the leadership skills that will contribute to their college and career readiness.
  • Social-Emotional Curriculum: Second Step, which is a curriculum that teaches skills for learning, empathy, emotional management and problem solving, has been implemented across the district this year to ensure that students have access to tiered positive behavior supports.
  • Consistent Curriculum: We have implemented common curricular resources in science, writing and math across all eight of our elementary schools.
  • Data Conversations: School-level RtI leaders are conducting data conversations with grade level teams after each benchmark assessment (three times per year), as well as during the four to six week cycles that occur between these assessments. We are currently using district-level common cut scores to help us more consistency identify students in need of support. School and district-level staff members also have data conversations after each benchmark window (three times per year) to help monitor and aid student growth and attainment.
  • Structured Conversations about Student Progress: Through the Formative Assessment for Results (FAR) process, we have increased the opportunities teachers have to engage in structured conversations about the progress of all of their students. During the FAR coaching session held in November 2016, Renee DeWald, who is serving as our trainer on this process, provided team leaders with resources they can use to help facilitate conversations on cultural competency at the team level. In addition, both of our middle schools offer a WIN period (What I Need). During this period, students have the opportunity to engage in enrichment or remediation activities. Students who receive Tier 2 and 3 interventions also have access to an enrichment period during the school year.