"I Belong" in District 97

“The human condition is one about belonging. We simply cannot thrive unless we are in relationship. I just gave a lecture on health, and if you’re isolated, the negative health condition is worse than smoking, obesity, high blood pressure — just being isolated. So we need to be in relationship with each other. And so, when you look at what groups are doing, whether they are disability groups or whether they are groups organized around race, they are really trying to make a claim of, ‘I belong. I’m a member.’” 
- john a. powell

john powell's words seems simple and common sense, yet are anything but. Particularly in our schools, many students feel that they don’t fit in or belong. Whether this isolation is rooted in racism, family income, perceived ability or other factors, it causes students to question their value and self-worth. Students are less likely to feel confident academically and socially, and often feel less hopeful about their place in the world and their future.

Photo: Tweet from Jennifer Jaros - "A first grade student quietly handed me a pink paper heart. She told me it's for your door. She had written I love you in Korean. It now hangs with I love you in many languages. We all want to belong. We need to make sure all students are seen and valued. #holmeshawks #weared97"District 97’s vision is that EVERY child experiences a sense of belonging in our schools. Belonging means access to teaching and learning that is engaging, stimulating and challenging for ALL instead of just a select few. We are not just expanding a few spaces for a small group of students into existing, (oppressive) structures, thereby achieving inclusion. Belonging means reimagining the structure so that more kids have access and feel welcomed without having to change who they are to conform.

Ensuring a sense of belonging for every child and increasing access to these opportunities improves the learning environment for everyone.

Dr. Carol Kelley
District 97 Superintendent

(Image: Tweet from Holmes ESL teacher Jennifer Jaros)