School Board Meetings

Board meetings, which are open to the public, are generally held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at (7 p.m. for committee of the whole meetings and also 7 p.m. for business meetings) in the board room of the administration building, which is located at 260 Madison. The board meeting schedule is set at the beginning of each year, and can be accessed on the district website or obtained from the board secretary by calling (708) 524-3004.

The board is permitted by law to meet in closed (executive) sessions to discuss a variety of issues, which include, but are not limited to: personnel matters (appointment, employment, compensation,discipline, performance, or dismissal), student discipline, real estate (i.e., purchase or lease of property) or collective negotiations with employees or their representatives.

Special meetings, workshops, study sessions and community forums, which are also open to the public, may be scheduled throughout the year. These events, as well as time and/or location changes for regularly scheduled meetings, are announced at least 24 hours in advance through a variety of means, including sending notices to the local newspapers, and posting information on the district’s website and in the front lobby of the administration building.

The agenda and packet of materials for each board meeting are usually posted on the district website by close of business the Friday prior to the meeting. Approved board meeting minutes are also posted on the site. 

School Board Meeting Order of Business

  1. Public (Roll Call, Special Reports, and Public Comments)
  2. Action Items (Minutes, Consent, and General)
  3. Administrative Topic Reports
  4. Board Committee / Work Group Reports (Policy, FAC, FORC, CLAIM, Superintendent Evaluation, Madison Street, Capital Expenditure, and Intergovernmental Agreements)
  5. Concluding Items ( Superintendent's Report, Board Concerns/Announcements, and Preview Agenda of Next Meeting)
  6. Adjournment

Addressing the School Board

Public Comment

Public participation is a vital part of our school system's success. District 97 Board of Education provides time for input from community and visitors at its meetings. Starting Sept. 13, 2022, District 97 will resume holding board meetings in person and will resume pre-pandemic public comment procedures. To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, any person appearing before the Board is expected to follow these guidelines:

  • Address the Board only at the appropriate time as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the Board President.
  • Sign in on the public comment sheet before the start of the meeting. Please indicate on this sheet whether you want a response from the board.
  • When called to the table, please state your name.
  • Please finish your comments within the five-minute time limit. If multiple individuals wish to address the Board on the same subject, the group is encouraged to appoint a spokesperson.
  • Observe, when necessary and appropriate, the Board President’s authority to:
    • Shorten the time for each person to address the Board during public participation to conserve time and give the maximum number of people an opportunity to speak; and/or
    • Determine procedural matters regarding public participation not otherwise covered in Board policy.
  • Conduct oneself with respect and civility toward others and otherwise abide by Board Policy 8:30: Visitors to and Conduct on School Property. 

Visitors will be accommodated according to the board room capacity. Should the need for additional seating arise, District 97 will provide space for an overflow of visitors. District 97 does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in the admission or access to its programs or activities, including board meetings. We invite individuals requiring reasonable accommodation to contact the ADA Coordinator (524-3030) at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting time.