
Overview of eLearning Process:

In District 97’s ongoing efforts to provide innovative educational opportunities for students, we are planning to use E-learning Days instead of traditional Emergency School Closing Days for bad weather or emergency circumstances. The State of Illinois has put in place guidelines for eLearning Days, which the district is following.

Digital Learning Program

With District 97’s Digital Learning iLearn program, which includes iPads and Chromebooks for all 3rd-8th grade students and digital infrastructure in place, we are prepared to implement eLearning Days.

E-learning Days allow students and staff to learn and work virtually at home instead of having to cancel school, providing a continuation of learning in their coursework without disruption. This is especially helpful for our first and second trimesters, which would have previously lost instructional days completely since make-up days are traditionally held at the end of the third trimester. These learning opportunities will also provide access to instructional resources in the event of more extended periods of school and/or district closures due to other emergencies. As District 97 has planned for these learning opportunities we have taken into consideration access to devices and the Internet. While we know that our 3rd-8th grade and many other families have access to devices and through our Internet for All program have provided greater access to the Internet at home, we know not all have this access everyday due to various circumstances and will ensure there are non-digital options available.

Linked here is the presentation that was shared at the May 28, 2024 Board meeting. 

Community Notification & Input

As shared alongside the OPTA staff over the last few months the administration has collaborated with the OPTA to review, collect feedback, and update the plan and next steps needed to support the plan. 

On July 31, 2024, a notice was added to the Wednesday journal as part of the state approval process. This will be posted for over 10 days prior to the public hearing on August 13, 2024 at the District 97 Board of Education meeting. Following the hearing, the administration is requesting that the board of education approve the eLearning plan under the Consent Agenda at its August 13, 2024 board meeting. After this takes place the administration will submit the paperwork to West40 for final signoff for the eLearning plan that would be in place for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026, and 2026-2027 school years per state code 105 ILCS 5/10-20.56. 

As always, we appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with our community in order to provide innovative learning opportunities for our students that prepare them for their future. We believe Remote Learning (E-learning) Days are a beneficial option to allow for continuous learning now and preparation for college and careers in a technological world.

The administration is requesting that the board of education approve the eLearning plan under the Consent Agenda at its August 13, 2024 board meeting.




Historial Information from Previous eLearning Plan

In July 2021, the District 97 Board of Education approved an E-Learning plan for students to receive instruction electronically in lieu of traditional emergency days (or inclement weather days). This means that instead of canceling school, the superintendent now has the option of calling an “E-Learning Day” where students and staff learn and work virtually at home. This provides a continuation of learning and prevents the loss of critical instructional days, particularly in our first and second trimesters. E-Learning opportunities also provide access to instructional resources in the event of more extended periods of school and/or district closures due to other emergencies.

District 97 E-Learning Plan

What are E-Learning Days?

E-Learning Days provide an opportunity for students to learn from home on days when the school/district otherwise would have been canceled due to weather conditions or other emergency situations. On E-Learning Days, students use their district-issued iPad, Chromebook, or home device to log into their school or classroom specific site to access assignments for the day and submit their attendance. Students will be required to check in for attendance and then complete assignments as a continuation of what they are learning in their classes and/or larger units of study.

Notification of E-Learning Day

Every attempt will be made to determine that an E-Learning Day will be used by 8 p.m. the night before. A decision will be made by 5:30 a.m. at the latest. Communications will be sent out through email, phone call, text message, district social media accounts, our website and www.emergencyclosings.com.

Elementary Schools

  • At 8 a.m. teachers will take attendance in Zoom/Google Meet. Students that do not check in will be marked “unaccounted for/absent.”
  • Teachers will post/communicate the directions to access student assignments and the Zoom/Google Meet link(s) on their teacher web pages, learning management system (Seesaw or Google Classroom), and/or email.
  • E-Learning assignments will include both digital and non-digital options for each subject. Students will have approximately five hours of work to complete.
  • Elementary school students will follow a typical schedule for E-Learning with 50% synchronous and 50% asynchronous. These schedules will also be shared by teachers on their learning management systems.
  • Teachers will communicate directions for turning in work. In most cases, work will be submitted online. Non-digital work should be turned in when students return to school.

Middle Schools

  • At 9 a.m. teachers will take attendance in Zoom/Google Meet. Students that do not check in will be marked “unaccounted for/absent.”
  • Teachers will post the directions to access student assignments and the Zoom/Google Meet link(s) in Canvas.
  • Middle school students will follow the already scheduled A/B/C day schedule with 50% synchronous and 50% asynchronous.
  • E-Learning assignments will include both digital and non-digital options for each subject. Students will have approximately five hours of work to complete.
  • Teachers will communicate directions for turning in work. In most cases, work will be submitted online. Non-digital work should be turned in when students return to school.

Specialized Instructional Needs

Prior to the E-Learning Day: Individualized plans (IEPs) will address the needs of students who require specialized instructional support. Teachers will work with parents on specific learning needs to ensure families are familiar with the student’s plan. 

During the E-Learning Day: Case managers and teachers (and/or aides) will ensure that specific needs of students and families are met.

Internet Access

If a student is unable to access the Internet at home or an alternative location, due to an outage, parents should email the teacher and/or school principal. This will not be counted as an absence against the student, however, the student will be expected to complete the E-Learning assignments within two days for all of their classes. If a family does not have Internet access at home and is interested in this service, please contact Senior Director of Technology Michael Arensdorff via email at [email protected] to enroll in the Internet for All program.

Technology Support

Technical support will be available from school and district technology staff by accessing the Help Desk through email ([email protected]). When an email is submitted, a Help Desk ticket is created and assigned to technology staff who will be working throughout the day to address technology concerns. 

Staff Training

District 97 staff are responsible for reviewing expectations for E-Learning Days each school year during a Professional Learning Day. Students will also be provided an overview of E-Learning so they understand the expectations and how to access online instruction.