Middle School Parents/Guardians Invited to Participate in Focus Groups about Master Schedule

Dear Middle School Families,

We are currently seeking parents/guardians who have time and are interested in helping us explore and assess how our existing master schedule structures align with the district’s vision and goals. More specifically, we are looking for people to provide us with their thoughts and feedback on the following two questions during a pair of focus groups we will be holding later this month.  
What does the term “positive learning environment” mean for our students and how does our current schedule support those student experiences?
What potential changes may need to be considered to better align our systems and structures to meet our vision?
This will serve as a continuation of the work that was undertaken by teachers and administrators this past spring, and included visits to other school districts to see how they are utilizing their time during the school day.
The first focus group will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 17 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Brooks Middle School. The second focus group will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 23 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Julian Middle School. While you are certainly welcome to attend both sessions, that is not required for participation. In addition, these focus groups are not school specific – i.e., parents/guardians from Brooks can take part in the session at Julian and vice versa.
If you are available to participate in this important process, please email your child’s building principal to let us know which session(s) you plan to attend. In the meantime, we thank you for your time and attention to this matter, and for your continued support of our students, staff and schools.
Dr. Todd Fitzgerald                                                    Mrs. April Capuder
[email protected]                                                 [email protected]