The District 97 Board of Education will hold two meetings on Tuesday, Jan. 30: the regularly scheduled committee of the whole meeting and the rescheduled business meeting from Jan. 16. There will be two agendas, both of which will be posted at
The meetings will be held in person in the board room of the administration building, 260 Madison St., and will be streamed live on the district's YouTube channel.
Jan. 30 Meeting Schedule
- 6 p.m. - Executive Session
- 7 p.m. - Committee of the Whole
- 8:30 p.m. - Business Agenda
There will be two opportunities for public comment: one at 7 p.m. for committee of the whole items, and another at 8:30 p.m. for the business agenda.
The committee of the whole meeting will include presentations on:
- Culturally-responsive teaching and learning standards from the district's Black Excellence Teaching in Oak Park (BETOP) Committee.
- School improvement logic model updates from Brooks and Julian middle schools.
Join the Discussion
Committee of the whole meetings are designed to be spaces where the board and district staff can engage in equity-forward learning and discussion. We encourage the community to participate in these meetings by submitting questions or thoughts using Let's Talk.