Meet your School Nurse

My name is Anne Guerrier and I wanted to introduce myself as your School Nurse at Holmes. I am excited to have the opportunity to serve the children and families of Holmes School. My goal as your School Nurse is to keep the students at Holmes School healthy, to the best of my ability, and in the classroom, so they can be effective learners. As your School Nurse, I will work with you to educate Holmes' students about the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet, exercise, illness and disease prevention, dental care, and hand washing.

Anne-Marie Guerrier, BSN, RN, PEL-CSN, NCSN

Nationally Certified School Nurse-Holmes

Phone: 708-524-3098
Fax: 708-524-7622 
[email protected]


If your child has been diagnosed with a health condition, such as ASTHMA, FOOD ALLERGIES, DIABETES or SEIZURES, please provide a current Emergency Action Plan along with the District 97 Medication Authorization Form.  ALL FORMS MUST BE RENEWED AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY SCHOOL YEAR.  Forms can be found by clicking on the appropriate link to the left or by visiting our Health Services Page >

When to Keep Your Child Home From School

In order for your child to be able to learn and to control communicable diseases in the school, it is important to keep your child home for the following reasons:

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or more.
    • Your child should be fever free (without Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child vomited or had diarrhea during the past 24 hours, please keep them home.
  • Strep throat
    • Your child must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Swollen, red eyes that itch and are draining
    • Your child must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school for bacterial conjunctivitis and drainage free and/or a note from the doctor.
  • Moist, productive cough, chest congestion, or discolored nasal discharge.
    • However, for a mild runny/stuffy nose and mild cough it is alright to send your child to school.
  • An unusual rash, a blistery rash, or a rash associated with a fever.
    • Your child should remain at home until you have discussed the rash with your physician and your child is not contagious (a note from your doctor may be required).


Overall good health is essential for regular attendance and success in school. The following is a brief list of basic practices that can support your child's good health:
  • GOOD HAND WASHING with soap and water for at least 20 seconds several times throughout the day. The D97 Handwashing guidelines can be found on:
  • COVER cough or sneezes with elbow and wash hands after blowing nose.
  • CLEAN and disinfect surfaces routinely.
  • EAT a nutritious breakfast every day.
  • SLEEP at least 9-10 hours every night.
  • DO NOT share food, utensils or cups/straws with friends.
  • HYDRATED:  drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily; students should carry a water bottle and refill it as the day goes along.


District 97 is committed to creating a positive learning environment for all students that is safe, equitable, inclusive and focused on the whole child. To that end, the number of children who have food allergies is increasing. Approximately 10% to 15% of our students have a food allergy. The most common allergen is nuts of any kind.

Every food-allergic reaction has the possibility of turning into a life-threatening reaction within minutes. With this in mind, we created a Food Allergy Management Program for the district that will help preserve and protect the health and safety of our students. This program includes the following guidelines/requirements.

  • Nuts and nut products are not allowed in any of our schools. This includes products that are labeled “processed in a facility that shares equipment with nut products.” The shift to include lunch was necessary as many students may be eating their lunch in spaces other than the lunchroom.
  • There is NO food sharing between students at any time during school.
  • There is NO eating or drinking on school buses.
  • Please read all packaging to ensure the item is not produced on equipment shared with nuts.

PLEASE NOTE: If a student in your child’s classroom is allergic to other food products that must be restricted, your child’s teacher will let you know what those products are and what steps, if any, need to be taken in conjunction with the district’s Food Allergy Management Program.