What is MTSS?

MTSS isn’t a particular “curriculum.” It’s a proactive approach that has several key elements:

  • Universal screening for all students
    •  Fall, Winter, & Spring - MAP & Aimsweb
  • Benchmark Meetings: grade level teachers & support staff review data and determine tiers for all students – Fall, Winter, Spring
  • Increasing levels of targeted support for those who are struggling as well as those who are excelling
  • Integrated plans that address students’ academic, behavioral, social and emotional needs
  • The use of evidence-based strategies
  • Frequent monitoring of students’ progress so teachers can use data to guide instruction
    • Tier 3: weekly
    • Tier 2: every 2 weeks
  • Monitoring Progress Meetings: grade level teachers & support staff review data and discuss progress – every 6 weeks
    • Team determines if more or less interventions are needed, or if a change in intervention is neede

For more information, visit D97's MTSS Resources for Families website.