Special Olympics
We offer Special Olympics programs in our district for students in Early Childhood (age 3-5) through 8th grade. Traditional athletes are eligible to participate in Special Olympics if they have an intellectual disability. Our Special Olympics sports are Unified, which means that students with and without intellectual disabilities participate.
Below is a list of the current Special Olympics Sports that we participate in:
- Young Athletes - Offered throughout the school year through my adapted p.e. classes for ages 3-9 years old and older peer buddies (4th-5th graders) - Currently at Whittier, Holmes, Irving Longfellow, Lincoln and Beye. Please go here for additional general information.
- Special Olympics Bocce Ball - Season is end of August through September. Open to 6th through 8th graders at Brooks and Julian.
- Special Olympics Soccer - Season is end of September through October. Open to 4th through 8th graders in the district.
- Special Olympics Rhythmic Gymnastics - Season is January through March. Open to 4th through 8th grade.
- Special Olympics Sports Clinic - One to two weekends per year in March/April we offer a Special Olympics sports clinic that includes bocce, soccer and basketball. This clinic is open to kindergarten through 5th graders and introduces athletes and parents to the Special Olympics sports that we offer in our district.