*Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!*

Hi! My name is Lauren McKeand and I am one of the the Speech-Language Pathologists here at Longfellow.  The students call me "Miss Lauren."  I provide services for students ages three to five years old in PKP (Longfellow's preschool program) as well as "non-attending" students of this age. This is the beginning of my 11th year in the district and at Longfellow (I have been an SLP for a total of 17 years).  I have a passion for helping preschool age chldren and their families.  I love helping our students find their voices!

I can be reached by email at [email protected], by my direct phone line at 708-524-3001 ext. 2640, or through the main phone line at Longfellow 708-524-3060.  Email is always the best way to reach me! If you have any questions or concerns about your preschool child's communication skills (speech, language, pragmatics), please feel free to contact me.

Please follow this link for more information about speech and language services in District 97.

View the District 97 Speech and Language Therapy Remote Learning Wesbite

This site is to be used as a resource for families during remote learning (or as a supplement to weekly speech/language practice). All materials found on this website are intended for use by students who receive services from District 97 Speech-Language Pathologists. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.

Please refer to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website for additional information about speech and language skills.

I look forward to meeting you and your child! Here's to a great school year!