Violin Demonstration - Mrs. Shannon The violin is the smallest instrument in the string family. It can play any way you feel: excited, peaceful, harsh, or funny.
Viola Demonstration - Ms. Korelc The viola looks like a slightly larger violin. It has a darker, deeper, and stronger sound
Cello Demonstration - Mrs. Shannon The cello is a deep-sounding solo and ensemble instrument. It has a beautiful, warm tone. Like all of the stringed instruments, the cello comes in various sizes to fit the player.
String Bass Demonstration - Mrs. Shannon The string, or double, bass is the the largest of the string instruments. It produces very low pitches and is used in orchestra, band, and jazz ensembles.
Strings: Required Equipment
- Bow, rosined, workable, with full hair (No synthetic bow hair)
- Workable pegs (No Caspari pegs)
- Tapes on neck
- Rosin (1 per instrument)
- Stringvision Bow Grip*
- Fine Tuners on all strings
- Shoulder sponge
- Extra E and A strings
- Fine tuners on all strings
- Shoulder sponge
- Extra A and D strings
- Strap for end pin
- Extra A string
- Rockstop
- Intellitouch PT1 Tuner*
*Recommended, not required