If Your Child has Severe/Anaphylactic Allergies:

Food allergies are a growing public health issue that impacts almost every school across the United States. Nearly 6 million children in the U.S. – which equates to 1 in 13, or roughly 2 in every classroom – have a food allergy.  District 97 has recently implemented a Food Allergy Management Program based on joint State Board of Education (ISBE) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) guidelines.  

Managing a child’s food allergy (or allergies) is a team effort, involving you, your child, your child’s healthcare providers, and the school. All members of the team want to be able to communicate, ask questions, and share information about your child’s health and well-being.  We want to ensure your child has immediate access to their Epi-Pen/Epinephrine: please have your doctor complete the Food Allergy Action Plan and the District 97 Licensed Prescriber Authorization Form (parent/guardian must sign the bottom of the form). In addition, parents/guardians should complete the Food Allergy Individual Health Care Plan.