Check In/ Check Out
Check In/ Check Out is an evidenced based intervention that supports students in showing our Bear Necessities across the school (Respect, Responsibility and Safety). The support works best for students who struggle with work completion, motivation, and/or behavioral struggles. It involves students being paired with a positive adult in the school other than their teacher. They begin the day checking in with this adult, receiving encouragement, and a goal sheet from them. Throughout their day they receive feedback across all subjects on the goal sheet. At the end of the day they check out with their adult, receive additional encouragement, and take the sheet home to be signed and returned to school. The goal of the support is to increase positive feedback and attention, further connect home and school, and establish a "pure positive" relationship with an adult at school. This support is offered to students upon teacher referral, parent referral or when students receive more than 3 behavioral referrals. The support is monitored and coordinated by our PBIS team (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports). We have over 20 students participating in this support across all grade levels! Please let your classroom teacher know if you have any questions about this support.