Photo of Lori Janu-Chossek

Lori Janu-Chossek

Social Worker - Beye

My name is Lori Janu-Chossek and am I licensed Clinical Social Worker and I have been the full time Social Worker at Beye since 2008, and an Illinois School Social Worker since 2000.  I am also a long-time Oak Parker.  I am passionate about social work and helping youth feel confident in both academic and social emotional learning.  In my free time I love to camp and travel with my family, we have 2 boys (middle and high school) .  I enjoy gardening, practicing my newfound love of Viola, and I also volunteer at a stable assisting riders with disabilities in equine therapy. I have special interest and expertise in non-neuro typical learners, anxiety disorders, and crisis intervention. 

Mail Location

William Beye School, 230 N. Cuyler Avenue. Oak Park, IL 60302