FOIA Procedures

Requests to inspect or secure copies of public records shall be submitted to the district’s designated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer:

Amanda Siegfried
Senior Director of Communications and Engagement
Oak Park Elementary School District 97
260 Madison Street
Oak Park, Illinois 60302
Send an email to [email protected]

In accordance with FOIA, such requests shall be made by the requestor in writing and sent via fax, e-mail or U.S. mail. Oral requests will not be accepted. While the following information is not required, its inclusion will help in processing the request for public records.

  • The requestor's full name, address and telephone number.
  • A description of the records sought, being as specific as possible.
  • Whether the request is for inspection of records, copies of records, or both.

If the requestor would prefer to hand deliver the request, the business hours for the district's administration building are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The building is closed for business on Saturdays, Sundays and designated school, state or federal holidays. All requests will be date stamped upon receipt by the district’s designated FOIA officer or designee.