Food Allergy Safety Guidelines 2021-22

District 97 is committed to creating a positive learning environment for all students that is safe, equitable, inclusive and focused on the whole child. To that end, the number of children who have food allergies is increasing. Approximately 10% to 15% of our students have a food allergy. The most common allergen is nuts of any kind.

Every food-allergic reaction has the possibility of turning into a life-threatening reaction within minutes. With this in mind, we created a Food Allergy Management Program for the district that will help preserve and protect the health and safety of our students. This program includes the following guidelines/requirements.

  • Nuts and nut products are not allowed in any of our schools. This includes products that are labeled “processed in a facility that shares equipment with nut products.” The shift to include lunch was necessary as many students may be eating their lunch in spaces other than the lunchroom.
  • There is NO food sharing between students at any time during school.
  • There is NO eating or drinking on school buses.

PLEASE NOTE: If a student in your child’s classroom is allergic to other food products that must be restricted, your child’s teacher will let you know what those products are and what steps, if any, need to be taken in conjunction with the district’s Food Allergy Management Program.

How to identify safer foods to send to school for snacks and on field trips:

  1. Please read all packaging to ensure the item is not produced on equipment shared with nuts.
  2. Consult the "Snack Safely" website for information about specific product brands and suggestions for safe food options.
  3. Below is a list of several potential safe food options. However, as stated above, please consult with your child’s classroom teacher to determine if classroom-specific restrictions apply to any of them.
Fresh fruit Fruit juice
Fresh vegetables Dried fruits
Yogurt without granola topping Lean meats
Packaged popcorn Pretzels

We appreciate your partnership in promoting the health and safety of our children. Please contact your child’s school nurse if you have questions or need more information.