In District 97, we understand and appreciate that it will take all of us—families, staff, community members—working together to have a safe and healthy winter. As we head into our last days of school before Winter Break, and given the nationwide increase in individuals getting sick from viruses such as the flu, RSV and COVID-19, we want to remind you of a few preventative measures our school community can take to reduce the spread of illness and support a healthy return to school after the holidays:
- Staying home when sick - If your child has symptoms of any illness before or after break, or at any time during the school year, please keep them home and contact your health care provider for testing and evaluation.
- Masking - Masks are strongly recommended but not required in District 97. Wearing a mask is an effective, everyday precaution that can reduce the chance of catching or spreading a respiratory illness before and after break, or at any time during the school year. Please know that District 97 maintains a supply of masks for individuals who wish to use them.
- Vaccinations - According to the CDC and IDPH, staying up to date with vaccinations, including boosters, is safe and effective at preventing the spread of illness and decreases the likelihood of severe illness. View vaccination information and resources from the Oak Park Department of Public Health (OPDPH).
- Testing - CDC, IDPH and OPDPH all encourage testing before any holiday travel and before returning to work or school after the holidays.
- OPDPH is hosting free COVID-19 testing events to coincide with winter break.
- UPDATE: the Dec. 22 clinic from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. has been canceled due to the forecast winter storm.
- Get tested at a series of free COVID-19 testing events over the next few weeks, including one from 2 to 4 p.m. this Wednesday, Dec. 21 at Lindberg Park, 1150 N. Marion St.
- Get tested on Jan. 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lindbergh Park.
For more information about local COVID-19 testing resources, visit
- Order free at-home COVID-19 tests this winter through the federal government. As of this week, households can now order a total of four rapid tests for free at
- District 97 currently maintains a supply of over-the-counter, at-home antigen kits that can be offered to students and staff preemptively or at the onset of illness. If you are in need of an at-home COVID-19 test, please reach out to your school nurse directly.
- OPDPH is hosting free COVID-19 testing events to coincide with winter break.
As a reminder, District 97 continues to implement everyday strategies that we know reduce the risk of disease transmission in our schools. Thank you for sharing this responsibility with us to Be Safe and Healthy by looking out for the collective care of the community as we enter and return from Winter Break!