Holmes School Pick Up/Drop Off
Where to enter the building
Please use Kenilworth Ave. entrance.
Traffic Plan
In conjunction with the Village of Oak Park Public Works Engineering Division, The Oak Park Police Department and the village ‘s traffic consultants, KLOA Consulting, Inc., a plan has been developed to provide safe and efficient pick-up and drop off for all our students.
Please understand that our main concern is the safety of our students. Making sure that traffic/child interfaces are carefully planned is one of our top priorities. Thank you for your cooperation in abiding by these procedures. Between the hours of 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. and 2 – 3:30 p.m. all Holmes School students should be dropped off and picked-up of on Chicago Avenue to the WEST of the traffic light.
Buses for the handicapped students and vehicles of the residents of the 500 block of North Kenilworth will be permitted south of Iowa Street during these hours. Parents or guardians bringing students in EC, DI or DLP classes displaying a green Holmes pass may pull into the cul de sac to drop off students.
There are several key points to the traffic plan:
- Drivers must pull up to the furthest west spot available on Chicago Avenue to let their students exit or enter their cars. Do not let you child exit into the street if you are stopped by the light on Kenilworth.
- Students must be ready to exit or enter the car as soon as it stops.
- Students exit or enter vehicles ONLY on the sidewalk side. School staff will be on-hand in the morning to assist them.
- Last minute instructions to the student need to be taken care of before the car pulls into the drop-off zone.
- Parents/guardians wishing to walk their children to the playground or into the school must park in a legal parking spot on Chicago or Kenilworth Avenues before walking with their child. Please be aware that there is NO PARKING on the north side of Chicago Avenue from the east side of the school building to Woodbine.
- School buses load and unload on Woodbine Avenue. Please do not drop your students off in the bus loading zones.
- Cross with crossing guards. Do not park on the south side of Chicago Avenue and cross mid street.