Hello Brooks and Julian Parents,
I am very much looking forward to seeing you all at our District 97 Middle School Instrumental Music Festival on Wednesday, Nov. 7!
I am aware of the conflict between our event and the Community Conversations about Hate Crimes in Our Community. I have heard and understand that many of our music families are interested in showing support at that event. Unfortunately, with an event of the magnitude of ours, and the complications that go into securing space in the OPRF Auditorium, there is no way that we can logistically reschedule. That being said, we want to be flexible for families that would like to attend the event.
On Wednesday night, families that would like to attend, may do so surrounding the time that their child performs. We will allow any student and family member that would like to attend the event to leave with their family immediately after they perform. We will allow a little extra time to make this happen. While I know this is not ideal, I hope that it will provide those families an opportunity to spend the maximum amount of time at the community conversation.
Please be aware, that with this event, parking will be more challenging. Please give yourself extra time to navigate that.
The D97 Instrumental Music program prides itself in it’s inclusiveness and community and we hope to support the very important message of tolerance and love for each other through our performance of music tomorrow night.
Take care,
Tom Kanwischer
Director of Bands/Coordinator for Instrumental Music
[email protected] / 708-689-9367