Registration Forms
Please download any of the following applicable forms to submit with your registration documents or to be used to update our system.
Homeschooling Form - For those parents who wish to remove their student from District 97 and continue schooling at home. Parents interested in this option must submit in writing their decision to home school their student, including the date the change will be made effective.
In Lieu of Lease - To be used for those families who stay in a residence where a lease is not required. (Ex: Living in a house/apartment/condo that is owned by your parents or a relative and does not require you to be under contract). The parent or relative must not also reside in the home to classify under this residency type. Supporting documents are still needed and must be in the enrolling family’s name. All residents under the In Lieu of Lease designation are subject to residency investigation.
Lives with Oak Park Resident Form - To be used when the enrolling family is currently residing with an Oak Park resident. Must be provided with the rest of your residency documents. All residents under the Lives with Oak Park Resident designation are subject to residency investigation.
Non-Parent Affidavit Form - To be used when a family is enrolling a student that is not their biological child due to an extenuating circumstance. Note: By law, the student cannot live with the adult for access to the educational programs of the district. It is a Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a $500.00 fine and up to 30 days in jail, to enroll a child into a district by deceit. The district will access the right to investigate those families who they believe are registered under false pretenses.
Religious Exemption Form - To be used to opt out of health immunizations due to religious reasons.
Request for Records - If you are transferring to District 97 from another school district, please download, complete and sign this form and turn it in to your old school prior to attending a registration event so that they may send us the student's records.