Irving Sleepover
The Irving School Sleepover was started by Mr. Sakellaris and a few Irving Parents in 1997 and it has been going strong ever since! These days, Mr. Sak and Mrs. Sak are in charge of this all school event. The students arrive at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night ready to have fun! Activities include: playing outside, getting beautiful at a salon, playing in the gym, playing board games in the library, playing Wii in the computer lab, dancing in the auditorium with a DJ, and doing arts and crafts in the art room. Before bedtime, there is a snack in the lunchroom and then the students sleep in designated rooms by grade level and gender. There is a movie in each sleeping room before lights out. On Saturday morning, the students wake up to a pancake breakfast before they are picked up to go home at 8:00 a.m. All money for this event goes to the Irving PTO and is chaperoned by parent and staff volunteers. It is usually held in late April or early May.
Contact Mr. Sakellaris for more information.