Megan Ablan
Music Teacher 2nd-5th Grade, Co-Director 4th & 5th Grade Chorus
I am honored to serve as the general music teacher for 2nd-5th grade students at Longfellow Elementary School. Additionally, I co-direct the Longfellow Chorus. Please reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns [email protected].
Credentials: Undergraduate Degree from UW LaCrosse, BS in Vocal Performance (2008). Masters Degree in Teacher Leadership from Viterbo University (2017). Masters Degree in Genreal Music Education from VanderCook College of Music (2023). National Board Certification (2022). Orff Sculwerk Certiciation - Levels I, II, and III - obtained from VanderCook College of Music.
Social Media: Twitter @Mrs.AblanOP97 (best place to see live updates and a view into the classroom)
Classroom Website: Deeper look into my classroom visit my website.